The main application of the high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (HR-ICP-MS) is quantitative elemental analysis.
It is widely used in various research fields,such as Earth science, environmental science, life science, and materials science.
It offers these advantages, including high sensitivity, high reliability, low detection limit, and capability of multi-element determination,
making it a promising technique for trace element analysis.
ICP-MS 技術原理
Maker & Model : HR-ICP-MS(Thermo Scientific™ Element 2™)
Attached equipment :
• ICP-OES (Agilent 5110)
• Elemental Scientific prepFAST II
The high mass resolution potential of a sector-field mass spectrometer can physically distinguish and separate an analyte
from interferences by exploiting small differences in mass-to-charge.
Therefore, high resolution (HR) ICP-MS can quantify on concentrations and determine precise isotope ratios for elements
across nearly the entire periodic table, regardless of sample matrix.
Application :
Food safety analysis
Service :
Low resolution
Medium resolution
High resolution
Hot plasma
Cold plasma
・High-Resolution ICP-MS is made for the most flexible and reliable analyses, for the best analytical results.
・Perform accurate and reliable quantitative multi-element analyses at trace level, with the highest sensitivity and without complicated sample preparation.
・The High Resolution ICP-MS systems cover the mg/L to sub pg/L concentration range
・We provide analysis for various matrices and wide range concentration.
・Determination of 56Fe in aqueous matrix
1.Jacklyn Monserate Baldovia-Lim, Mark Daniel G. de Luna, Ralf Ruffel M. Abarca, Carl Francis Z. Lacson, Nurak Grisdanurak, Ming-Chun Lu, Integrating bi-pH
operation to enhance Ni2+ removal and recovery in fluidized-bed non-seeded granulation process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023 (472) 145102.
2.Ting-Wei Lee, Yu-Heng Lai, Jeng-Lung Chen, Chiaying Chen, The role of transformation in the risks of chemically exfoliated molybdenum disulfide nanosheets to
the aquatic environment, Journal of environmental management, 2022 (324)116278.
3.Yi-Hsiang Lai, Manik Chandra Sil, Chih-Ming Chen, Surface composite engineering of polyimide to create amine functionalities for autocatalytic metallization,
Applied Surface Science, 2021 (541) 148500.
4.Gary Schudel, Vivian Lai, Kathy Gordon,Dominique Weis, Trace element characterization of USGS reference materials by HR-ICP-MS and Q-ICP-MS, Chemical
Geology, 2015 (410) 223.