Macrophages' Secret: How They Offload Cholesterol to Nearby Cells
Cultured macrophages transfer surplus cholesterol into adjacent cells in
the absence of serum or high-density lipoproteins .
Journal: PNAS, 2020; 117 (19) 10476-10483
📌Significance :
Cholesterol efflux on macrophage is an important physiological process. In this study, authors found
macrophages unload cholesterol directly into adjacent smooth muscle cells.
📌Importance of lipidology :
This study provides a mechanism for cholesterol efflux of macrophage.
📌Connectivity to other fields :
For define and visualize the cholesterol efflux on macrophage, NanoSIMS imaging was used in this study.
The accuracy of NanoSIMS can provide more precise results for tracking cholesterol efflux.